Thursday, March 17, 2011

Life's Not Fair

“Life’s not fair” is a commonly used phrase. But it is actually not accurate. Life, or nature, is unaware of the term “fair”. “Fair” is a human concept, created by weaker people in an attempt to level an un-level playing field; the same sort of people who believe that all men are created equally. As a Satanist, I see life, or nature, with an undefiled view of reality rather than painting a fantasy world overtop of all that I see. This viewpoint may make me sometimes seem cold, heartless or unsympathetic, but I would say it merely makes me a realist.

Years ago, I was privileged to see true nature in action. While working in a factory, I was taking my 15 minute break outside the warehouse doors and enjoying the warm spring day. In the yard was a fenced off, electrical substation, in which, a mother rabbit had nested and was now caring for her babies. As I watched, a pair of crows were above the substation and looking for a meal. The crows worked together as a team, diving down at the babies from different angles, while the mother rabbit continuously ran back and forth in an attempt to protect her babies. Eventually, the crows got a hold of one of the babies and flew off to feed. To this day, I’m still not sure if it was the baby rabbit or the mother rabbit that I heard screaming, but it was an awful scream.

Within me there was some sadness, for certainly I could understand how awful it would be to lose a child, or the horror of being carried off by a larger beast only to be fed upon. But I was also filled with awe and wonder. It occurred to me, however, that this was not an isolated incident in nature, but rather, it was only rare for me to witness such an occurrence. The fact of the matter is, incidents such as these happen every day in nature. Had the crows not succeeded in their mission, they and their children could be the ones to suffer. So while the word “fair” may not be familiar to nature, a factor that is always consistent in nature is balance.

Life continues on, the way it should, in nature because of the system of balance. The population of each species is generally controlled by another species. When the population becomes too great, reaching beyond the control of the predators, other catastrophes will assume the predatory role, such as disease and starvation. If the animals who feed upon the rabbits cannot do their job, the numbers of the rabbits become too great and they consume all of their natural resources far too quickly. The result is slowly starving bunnies everywhere. There’s only one species on the planet that does its damnedest to fight nature, and that is humans. But in the end, nature always prevails.

As human beings continue to try to find new ways to extend their lives, and the lives of others, nature must find new ways to knock us down. New diseases, earthquakes, tsunamis and starvation are rampant these days, but they are also necessary. So when some relief agency commercial asks me to send money to starving children in Africa, I see a more realistic viewpoint. If these organizations are so eager to make a difference in the lives of these people, they should be sending birth control.

I’m not unsympathetic to someone who does all that they can, all that they must, to provide for their children. I do understand, and I will do all that I must for my own. But those who believe that we should love everyone in the world, they are making a foolish gesture. I cannot afford love for everyone, and to even attempt so would be very damaging to my psyche when faced with the realities of nature. I can only afford love for my own; those closest to me, who I deem my family and friends.

Life is not fair in accordance with the human definition, but it is fair in the sense of balance. For every new life created, there needs to be a death. For every light, there must be dark. For every good, there must be bad. Such is the way of life.

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